Poster Presentation Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

On our way to creating a networked clinical trial system: Lessons learnt from the last 2 years (#297)

Priyakshi Kalita-de Croft 1 , Sabe Sabesan 2 , Craig Underhill 3 , John Lawson 4 , Kaye Hewson 1
  1. Department of Health, Queensland Health, Brisbane , Queensland, Australia
  2. Department of Health, Queensland Regional Clinical Trial Coordinating Centre (RCCC), Queensland Health, Townsville, Queensland, Australia
  3. Border Medical Oncology Research Unit, Border Medical Oncology, Albury, NSW, Australia
  4. NSW Ministry of Health, NSW Health, St Leonards, NSW, Australia

The Australian government's Medical Research Future Fund has bolstered capacity and capability for clinical trials in regional, rural, and remote locations. Through pioneering national initiatives such as the Australian Teletrial Program, the Rural, Regional and Remote Clinical Trial Enabling Program, and ReViTALISE project, significant advancements have been made in health equity and access. These innovative programs aim to bridge the gap between metropolitan and rural healthcare services by leveraging telehealth technologies, allowing decentralized participation in clinical trials. This enables patients in remote areas to access cutting-edge treatments without the need to travel to major urban centers.

In its first two years, these initiatives have successfully fostered strong collaboration between metropolitan and regional health services, provided comprehensive training for local healthcare professionals, and deployed reliable infrastructure. While addressing challenges such as technological disparities and regulatory hurdles, these programs continue to evolve through active research and policy refinement. Collectively, they represent a significant step towards achieving equitable healthcare access and offer a scalable model for similar efforts worldwide.  This symposium will discuss the successes, challenges, and future directions of these programs.