Poster Presentation Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

Equity in Action: A Strategic Approach to Financial Toxicity in Victoria (#332)

Christie Allan 1 , Beth Scholes 1 , Amy Corbett 1 , Danielle Spence 1 , Amanda Piper 1
  1. Cancer Council Victoria, East Melbourne, VIC, Australia


Cancer Council Victoria is committed to reducing the financial burden of cancer through tailored support and policy influence, underpinned by our Health Equity Framework.

Data from our Cancer Information and Support Service shows the cost of cancer significantly impacts some Victorians. In 2023, over 20% of connections to our service were for practical issues, including financial costs.

Research shows younger, socioeconomically disadvantaged, and regional populations face higher financial burden which often outweigh physical, social and emotional impacts of cancer.

Responses to reduce financial toxicity at the state level are limited.  


To create an advocacy roadmap to reduce financial toxicity for people affected by cancer in Victoria.  


A mixed-methods approach, including analysis of evidence and review of eight national and state policies on cancer costs. Structured consultations with multidisciplinary health professionals (n=13) and community members (n=7) with diverse gender and geographical representation (three metropolitan, four regional).


Financial burden associated with cancer disproportionally affects Victorians who are socioeconomically disadvantaged with less access to insurance, financial resources or support in times of unexpected stress. Regional populations can experience higher indirect costs associated with travel and time off work.

Evidence and policy analysis combined with structured consultations informed our roadmap priorities:

  • Increase access to information that promotes financial literacy of people affected by cancer and health professionals
  • Integrate financial conversations, screening and referral into standard care
  • Improve data collection and reporting on financial costs of cancer in Victoria
  • Increase availability and appropriateness of Victorian support/subsidy programs

Advocacy activities guided by the roadmap will target population groups who experience greater financial burden.


Our advocacy roadmap presents a novel strategy to tackle financial toxicity at the state-level, with a focus on improving cancer care equity. It sets out how we will achieve our vision to reduce the financial burden of cancer.