Poster Presentation Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

A new Cancer Nurse Inake Coordinator provides pateint focused early navigation support for solid tumours (#309)

Melissa Loorham 1 , Laura Tuddenham 1 , Rylie Bell 1 , Karen Wellington 1
  1. Cancer Centre, Bendigo Health, Bendigo, Victoria, Australia


Consumer and clinicians informed the need for better coordination and early access to information and navigation support, for new patient’s individual needs[1].


In 2023, the Bendigo Regional Cancer Centre, Implement a new intake Cancer Nurse Coordinator- to improve patient experience with early navigation support, and optimise clinic preparation through patient risk stratification and system efficiencies. The scope of the role is from workup of suspected or confirmed cancer to treatment commencement.


An implementation science approach was used, together with PDSA and redesign work done by central intake working group and mentoring by Oncologists to support triage upskilling. The role was evaluated for impact over the period of Sept 23-Apr 24.


The results showed successful implementation of this new model for new patients. Infancy data reveals effective reach to target patients, better early navigation support and emerging trends in timeliness and system efficiencies, as demonstrated below:

  • 446/ 523 new patients under the new patient clinic model received early navigation support
  • More timely scheduling of first appointment Patients are waiting less time to see the Oncologist
  • Reduced failed to attend rates at first appointment
  • Oncologist had strong confidence levels in CNC to perform these roles. CNCs saved time on triage (1-3 hrs/ week)
  • Patient feedback was limited, but positive for acceptability and satisfaction.


Redesigning models for new patients can benefit patients and systems, this work demonstrated the following:

  • Patient focused care-reduced barriers to access with a key contact from diagnosis, receive a more comprehensive and supported onboarding at the start of the cancer journey
  • System- relief to clinicians, service efficiencies- reduced no shows, earlier referrals to broader team


[1] Bendigo Regional Cancer Centre, Bendigo Health 2022. Consumer consultation process, Regional Cancer Services Plan-2023-2028