Oral Presentation Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

Navigating difficult interactions with family and friend carers (#9)

Rebekah Laidsaar-Powell 1
  1. Psycho-Oncology Cooperative Research Group, The University of Sydney, Camperdown, NSW, Australia

The involvement of family/friend carers in cancer care is typically positive, often resulting in improved patient information, advocacy, support, and care. However, given the stressful and emotional nature of cancer, challenging interactions between health professionals and carers can sometimes occur. This can include carers displaying distress or anger, or situations where the patient and carer are experiencing conflict. Managing these situations can be complicated, time consuming, and stressful for health professionals, who are rarely provided education on evidence-based strategies to avoid or de-escalate these difficult situations with carers.

In this talk, Dr Rebekah Laidsaar-Powell will detail the TRIadic Oncology (TRIO) research program she has led for over a decade, which has resulted in development of the first evidence-based communication guidelines for oncology health professionals to manage carer involvement in cancer consultations. Dr Laidsaar-Powell will highlight several online interventions developed to improve communication with carers, including a professional development module specifically targeting family conflict. This talk will focus on factors contributing to carer distress, conflict and anger in the cancer setting and will provide key communication strategies for health professionals to manage and de-escalate these situations.