Poster Presentation Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

Challenges and Preparedness for Utilising the Teletrial Model: Qualitative Evaluation from A Primary Site Perspective (#291)

Joel Ernest 1
  1. Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Parkville, VICTORIA, Australia

The Australasian Teletrials Model is an exciting opportunity for increased access to clinical trial care to a broader group of Australians to enhance their lives through innovative healthcare methods. The adoption of teletrials has been met with challenges, slowing the adoption of this powerful model. A gap existed in the literature for this evaluation to be conducted from a primary site perspective, assuming that teletrial adoption could be driven by experienced primary sites to address this unmet need.

Primary site professionals from a range of roles with teletrial experience were interviewed to obtain information about the roadblocks that they have faced and potential solutions for primary clinical trial sites to be best prepared for the adoption of teletrials in the future. Qualitative analysis resulted in a map of themes for challenges, and preparedness for future application of the model.


Findings include a requirement for health service executives to lead strategic planning to address challenges and progress the model towards sustainable future application. Additionally, a specialised and dedicated workforce may be required through organisational funding to drive model adoption, and resources need to be spent in ensuring education allows for appropriate application of the model.


  1. Fund dedicated and specialised staff in the form of a teletrial coordinator/manager per primary site, reducing primary site staff burden and driving adoption.
  2. Embedding teletrials into routine service delivery, to yield results similar to the successful implementation of the National Clinical Trials Governance Framework. Research into the lessons learned is necessary for cross-application to the teletrial model, including teletrials as part of health service accreditation.
  3. Fund further research to investigate teletrial model adoption more broadly, including indications other than oncology, and geographies outside of Victoria to provide sustainable growth, progress for teletrial application and access - for the benefit of patients.