Oral Presentation Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

Telehealth: Bridging the gaps in first nations cancer care. (#7)

Shivanshan Pathmanathan 1
  1. Medical Oncology, Townsville University Hospital, Townsville, Queensland, Australia

Indigenous communities often face disparities in cancer treatment due to their geographic isolation and lack of critical infrastructure for effective health care delivery. These challenges are exacerbated by difficulties in attracting and retaining a skilled health workforce. However, advances in technology, particularly telehealth, offer promising solutions to bridge these gaps. This presentation explores the successful implementation of telehealth in North Queensland, where it has effectively connected remote communities with tertiary cancer care facilities. Over the past decade, this networked approach has brought cancer care closer to home for Indigenous populations, improving cancer care delivery, survivorship, supportive and end of life care. We will discuss how telehealth systems have been utilized to enhance cancer care accessibility and equity.