Oral Presentation Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

Identifying and Responding to Domestic Violence Within a Healthcare Setting (#28)

Grace Hallewell 1
  1. Women's Legal Service Qld, Southport, QLD, Australia

Women’s Legal Service Queensland (“WLSQ”) is a state-wide specialist community legal centre for women. In collaboration with Health Justice Australia, WLSQ delivers integrated legal and social support to women affected by family and domestic violence who seek care within the healthcare system.

The evidence is clear that people often experience multiple, intersecting health and legal problems. Domestic abuse and cancer are both prevalent issues, and when a person experiencing domestic violence is also diagnosed with cancer, the complexity of their situation escalates. For instance, patients may be dependent on a perpetrator of abuse for financial support, transportation to medical appointments, medication management, or assistance with daily activities. This dependency can inadvertently enhance the perpetrator's control and facilitate the continuation of abuse with minimal resistance. Furthermore, a cancer diagnosis can increase a person’s vulnerability to violence due to factors such as social isolation, compromised health, and heightened dependence on others for care.

Patients undergoing cancer treatment may exhibit symptoms that are difficult to distinguish as either side effects of the treatment or manifestations of abuse. Detecting abusive behaviour within a clinical environment can be challenging, as perpetrators may present a façade of support in the presence of medical professionals while continuing their abusive conduct privately. The intersection of cancer and abuse can profoundly impact the health and treatment outcomes for affected patients.

This presentation is designed to equip frontline responders with effective strategies to identify and address concerns related to domestic and family violence among their patients. It underscores the necessity of asking targeted and sensitive questions to uncover potential abuse and to facilitate connections with appropriate legal and support services. By adopting a proactive and integrated approach, professionals can effectively bridge the gap between healthcare and legal assistance, thereby ensuring that individuals affected by domestic violence receive comprehensive and coordinated support.