Oral Presentation Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

Examining the outcomes and impacts on the cancer services workforce of a professional development grants program  (#111)

Helena Rodi 1 , Linda Nolte 1
  1. North Eastern Melbourne Integrated Cancer Services, Heidelberg, VIC, Australia

Background: The Victorian Cancer Plan 2020-2024 recognises workforce as a key system support to meet priorities. It is crucial that cancer clinicians can meet the needs of people with cancer and their families. In 2023, NEMICS ran a competitive Professional Development Grants program to support the cancer services workforce and align with the goals of the Victorian Cancer Plan in the region. 

Aim: To evaluate the outcomes and impact of the NEMICS 2023 Professional Development Grant program on the cancer services workforce. 

Methods: Successful grant recipients were asked to complete a qualitative report after participating in their professional development activity. Reports were analysed thematically.  

Findings:  Forty-four professional development grant applications were received and 27 were partially or fully funded. These included conferences, training, and higher education. Almost all recipients completed the required reporting (96%). Recipients reported positive outcomes from professional development participation across 17 relevant areas however most commonly reported increased knowledge relating to cancer treatment (50%) and supportive care (38%) and networking (42%).  

Almost all recipients (96%) reported that they would organise staff training and education programs to share knowledge and skills, the majority (69%) also stated that they would implement learnings directly into clinical care. Over half (58%) of recipients also described that they would undertake service improvement activities. Recipients also stated that as a direct result of participating in the funded professional development, they produced patient education resources (12%), formed research collaborations (8%), developed a national special interest group (4%), formed global research and clinical collaborations (4%) and participated in strategic planning (4%).  

Conclusion: Funding relevant professional development can assist in supporting the cancer services workforce to develop and share knowledge and skills aligned with the Victorian Cancer Plan priorities and facilitate improvements leading to the provision of optimal care.