Poster Presentation Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

Improving the governance and quality of Cancer Multidisciplinary Meetings (MDMs) at a Victorian cancer network   (#457)

Sameerah Arif 1 , Jesvinder Kaur 1 , Stephanie Lawson 1 , Claire Rickard 1 , Helena Rodi 1 , Linda Nolte 1
  1. North Eastern Melbourne Integrated Cancer Services, Heidelberg, VIC, Australia


To improve the governance and quality of cancer MDMs at Northern Eastern Melbourne Integrated Cancer Service (NEMICS) member health services to align with the Victorian Cancer Multidisciplinary Team Meeting Quality Framework (MDM Quality Framework) and principles of Optimal Care Pathways.  


From June 2023, NEMICS collaborated with member health services to implement a range of governance and quality improvement strategies. Strategies included establishment or redesign of MDM governance, terms of reference (TOR), membership, revenue, and patient consent and information. Strategies also included improving the capture of the MDM minimum dataset via MDM software, a rapid literature review of MDM streamlining, and monitoring performance via the Victorian Cancer Services Performance Indicator (CSPI) audit.   


Four NEMICS member health services with 35 MDMs were included. All member health services now have an MDM governance structure established. Over half of MDMs (92%, n=34) now have updated TOR in-date with the MDM Quality Framework and 50% of member health services are implementing the National Weighted Activity Unit for revenue and activity counting. One member health service has updated their existing MDM software fields to capture the minimum dataset. Whilst the other three member health services have or are transitioning to MDM software, QOOL-Vic and will capture the minimum dataset. All member health services have updated their MDM patient information resources to support informed patient consent. Rapid literature review results demonstrated MDM streamlining as a possible strategy to address increasing MDM capacity requirements. Implementation of the CSPI audit program continues to measure performance against the MDM Quality Framework and Optimal Care Pathways for health services. 


Collaboration between the Integrated Cancer Services and health services can  achieve improvements in MDM governance and quality and promote optimal patient care. Future research should examine MDM streamlining implementation within health services.