Poster Presentation Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

Addressing the needs of the older person in routine cancer care by supporting health services to implement geriatric oncology models of care (#482)

Sian Wright 1 2 , Tracey Bucki 2 3 , Annie Williams 1 2 , Seleena Sherwell 2 3
  1. Hume Regional Integrated Cancer Service, Shepparton, DEFAULT, Australia
  2. Victorian Integrated Cancer Services, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
  3. Southern Melbourne Integrated Cancer Service, Melbourne, VIC, Australia


This project aims to identify and address unmet needs of older people with cancer by:

  • Supporting implementation of geriatric oncology services
  • Improving patient experience and outcomes.

It was led by Hume Regional Integrated Cancer Service (HRICS) and Southern Melbourne Integrated Cancer Service (SMICS) on behalf of the Victorian Integrated Cancer Services (VICS).


Commencing in 2021, through collaboration with subject matter experts the project team identified the need for a centralised, specific resource.  Consequent development of the Care of the older person with cancer toolkit [the Toolkit] resulted in a means to support improved outcomes through service improvement and redesign. The process included:

  • A review of current Australian geriatric oncology service models
  • Identification of comprehensive geriatric oncology service components
  • Options to support site-specific delivery considering inequities of service access
  • Review of current service provision
  • Potential capacity for expansion across Victoria.

The release of the Toolkit in November 2022 was followed by two updates to maintain its currency and an evaluation of its effectiveness at supporting service provision or improvement.


The Toolkit has been shared with health services and includes examples of existing models of care, potential enablers to support service implementation, and available supports.

Responses from health services and VICS staff indicate that the Toolkit is appropriate and relevant for the audience and the format is user-friendly. It has been effective in supporting development and implementation of service improvements, such as screening, service coordination, and digital solutions.


The Care of the Older Person with Cancer: Toolkit has been developed to assist health services, with support from their local ICS, to identify local needs and implementation opportunities in the care of older people with cancer.  Evaluation of the Toolkit has highlighted its relevance, effectiveness and benefit as a tool to support clinician engagement and service implementation and improvement.