Poster Presentation Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

Promoting the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable children and adults in a comprehensive cancer centre (#506)

Natasha Sergent 1
  1. Peter MacCallum Comprehensive Cancer Centre, Melbourne, VIC, Australia



In 2015, the Victorian government launched a Royal Commission into Family Violence. The Commission identified health care services as critical entry points for victim survivors of family violence and emphasised that health professionals need to be equipped to manage family violence risk. Similarly, the 2016 Victorian Roadmap for Reform Strong families, Safe Children recognised the critical role that health services play in supporting children and families. Objective 1 was to develop and embed organisation wide processes and procedures that promote the safety and wellbeing of children and victim survivors of family violence. Objective 2 was to strengthen staff capability and readiness to identify and respond to vulnerability and risk.



Stage 1. Hospital staff (263) completed an online survey in 2019 which investigated perceived knowledge and readiness to respond to family violence. Stage 2. A Child Safe and Family Violence Committee and associated working groups with membership across multiple disciplines were created to lead and embed processes to support practitioners to consider risk as part of routine care. Consumer consultation (n=8) was conducted throughout 2023/2024.   


Stage 1. To support a suite of processes and procedures, family violence and child safe learning modules were developed and delivered across the organisation via multiple formats ongoingly from 2019. Stage 2. The Family Violence and Child Safe Program was established in August 2023 to provide timely and accessible specialist support to staff, and to facilitate multi-disciplinary practice with external services. Since its implementation, staff confidence and readiness to respond to family safety risk has increased. This is demonstrated by increases in secondary consultations (104), referrals to social work and specialty services, information sharing, and completion of risk assessments. This has resulted in improved patient safety.