Poster Presentation Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

Implementation of digital oncology module for cancer therapy with closed-loop medication management and bedside scanning. (#424)

Shevon S Fernando 1 , Linda Shi 1 , Uyen Hua 1 , John Coutsouvelis 1 , Caitlin Mcdonald-York 1 , Jarrod Donovan 1 , Caylen Duncan 1 , Erica Tong 1 , Michael Dooley 1
  1. Alfred Health, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Background: Prior to implementation of the digital oncology module into the electronic medical record (EMR), cancer therapy orders and administration were documented on paper charts, introducing the risk of transcription errors. In addition, cancer therapy could not be scanned at the bedside by nursing staff on administration.

Objective: To describe the successful implementation of a digital oncology module in a quaternary hospital with a closed-loop medication management system, therefore eliminating handwritten orders, requirement for transcription and introducing scanning of cancer therapy at the bedside.  

Method: Digitisation involved creation of standardised doses for each cancer medication to enable bed side scanning, building approximately 2500 order sets, 476 treatment plans, and 486 regimens into our EMR. This encapsulated all standard of care therapy provided at our institution. Education to all cancer clinical staff was provided to ensure the correct workflow was followed for efficient and safe treatment of our patients. Scheduling of therapy was also integrated into treatment plans to streamline bookings for day oncology. Bedside scanning was implemented to ensure accurate administration and facilitates real-time tracking and verification of cancer medications from prescription to administration.

Evaluation: Following the first month (Feb 2024) of digital oncology module implementation, 90% of medications were scanned at the bedside. There were no reported incidents on the hospital risk registry of ordering and administration of incorrect doses or requirement to revert to paper charting.

Discussion: The hospital has successfully digitised cancer therapy prescribing, ordering and administration processes into the EMR. Pivotal was the introduction of a closed-loop medication management system. Through bedside scanning, we achieved comprehensive medication loop closure, enhancing patient safety and operational efficiency. The initiative encompasses the integration of scheduling directly into treatment plans, hence streamlining workflow processes. It’s impact on optimisation of resource allocation and improving patient care coordination will be investigated further.