Poster Presentation Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

The co-design, development and launch of a scalable pre surgery virtual surgery school   (#490)

Travis Hall 1 2 , Kathy Quade 1 , Lisa Beach 2 , Sonia Coleman 2
  1. Western and Central Melbourne Integrated Cancer Services (WCMICS), Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne
  2. West Metro Health Service Partnership, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne, VIC


The West Metro Health Service Partnership (WMHSP) implemented a range of surgical reform programs with support from Western Central Melbourne Integrated Cancer Service (WCMICS). The Enhanced Recovery After Surgery plus Prehabilitation (ERAS+) project was implemented at several partner hospitals. As part of ERAS+ implementation, Virtual Surgery School (VSS) was developed and launched early 2023.  VSS is a new concept of delivering key preoperative educational content through videos that help patients prepare for their upcoming surgery and recovery.  VSS is a scalable, high quality, universal prehabilitation model for all patients preparing for surgery.


Content was codesigned with expert clinicians and consumers from partner hospitals. The videos cover evidence-based advice on general, condition-specific and same-day surgery.

VSS consists of nine core videos applicable to all types of surgeries, alongside thirteen condition-specific videos tailored for head and neck, gynaecology, colorectal, and orthopaedic surgeries. 

The videos are translated into Vietnamese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Greek, and Arabic, and access to VSS is via a web browser or application. The digital platform enables collection of a custom-made patient reported experience measures (PREM).


VSS was successfully implemented at five partner hospitals and has since been shared to all hospitals within Victoria. The PREM (n=91) results indicate high confidence and satisfaction in VSS; 98% patients reported satisfaction the amount of information received before surgery.

Furthermore, 98% report that content was easy to understand, and 95% reported feeling supported for recovery post-surgery.

 "The Virtual Surgery School videos were incredibly helpful in preparing me for my procedure. They provided clear and easy-to-understand information about what to expect before, during, and after surgery." - [Patient Quote]. 


VSS is a scalable, co-designed universal prehabilitation model for pre surgery education that improves patient satisfaction and preparation for their upcoming surgery.