Poster Presentation Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

Alleviating financial toxicity through Cancer Council NSW’s new Financial Navigation Service  (#484)

Sophie Anderson 1 , Michelle Bass 1 , Caitlin Bell 1
  1. Cancer Council NSW, Woolloomooloo, NSW, Australia

The financial impact of cancer is significant, with out-of-pocket medical expenses and indirect costs, including loss of income and practical expenses associated with a diagnosis, culminating in financial toxicity for many patients and carers. Literature shows that 1 in 5 patients need financial advice following a diagnosis, however, many are unaware of the support available or face barriers in accessing professional support.1

A comprehensive review into CCNSW’s financial support services identified that access to tailored information on financial rights and options was an unmet need reported by patients, carers and healthcare professions. To address this, CCNSW introduced a new, low-intervention Financial Navigation Service in February 2024. Through this service, qualified Financial Capability Workers (‘Financial Navigators’) provide immediate, tailored information, resources and support to help patients and carers understand their financial rights and options. This model empowers patients and carers to make informed financial decisions and navigate financial concerns, alleviating and preventing further financial hardship. This low-intervention service is accessible by all patients and carers regardless of their financial situation. Eligible patients and carers who require more intensive support may be connected with a financial counsellor or financial planner. Eligible patients in critical financial hardship may be provided with temporary financial relief, coupled with information and budgeting sessions, in order to improve the longer-term impact of this support.

349 patients and carers accessed the service from 1 March – 1 July 2024. Results show faster, more streamlined access to support and clients supported by the most appropriate professional, evidenced by:

  • approximately 50% of clients being supported by a Financial Navigator and not requiring referral to intensive financial services, and
  • 43% reduction in average service delivery timeframes.

This model further improves navigation and access to additional CCNSW supportive care services, with additional practical, legal and/or emotional needs identified for 17% of clients.

  1. Gordon, L.G, Walker, S.M, Mervin, M.C, Lowe, A, Smith, D.P, Gardiner, R.A, Chambers, S.K, ‘Financial toxicity: A potential side effect of prostate cancer treatment among Australian men,’ Eur. J. Cancer Care, 2019, 26.