Poster Presentation Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

Enhancing Digital Support: Findings and Future Directions from BCNA's 2023 Experience Project  (#524)

Vicki Durston 1 , Amanda Winiata 1 , Siobhan Dunne 1 , Joanne Shaw 2 , Kirsty Galpin 2 , Kyra Webb 2
  1. Breast Cancer Network Australia, Richmond, VIC, Australia
  2. The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW

Introduction:  Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) undertook national research surveys of members and healthcare professionals (HCPs) in 2023. The Experience Project sought to understand the way people seek information and support from BCNA and how BCNA can support HCPs to tailor health services to the needs of patients. Findings reported that respondents have high trust but low awareness about BCNA resources. They identified unmet information and support needs and opportunities for enhancing patient-clinician communication. Respondents agreed that BCNA plays a critical role in improving breast cancer outcomes 

Aims: Respond to emerging preferences and supportive care needs of diverse groups identified in the 2023 Experience Project in a digital era. 

  • Implement consumer driven enhancements to information and support resources  
  • Improve the digital experience and help members to explore, understand and access the full range of resources available  
  • Improve the use and perceived usefulness of information and support services  
  • Tailor information and services to support individual circumstances and preferences 

Methods: BCNA’s Digital Experience Project incorporates findings from 2023 Experience Project, user testing and co-design research, incorporating user stories and journey maps. Research methods included workshops with trained Consumer Representatives and stakeholders, moderated and unmoderated usability testing and information architecture testing. Participants were invited directly; others via BCNA channels and via an external research panel. 

Results:  Later in 2024, a new BCNA account for consumers will be delivered improving access to timely and tailored information and promoting optimal care.  This aligns with Australia Cancer Plan objectives to provide the right information at the right time.   

Conclusion: Through consumer research we can better leverage technology to deliver cost-effective and accessible tools that engage, advise and support cancer consumers. The DXP will integrate our tools and resources into one simple account, giving consumers 24/7 access to information tailored to their diagnosis and support needs.