Poster Presentation Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

Building Our Future Cancer Workforce: A Statewide Cancer Pharmacy Workforce Plan (#476)

Hayley Vasileff 1 , Rhys Wright 1 , Tahnee Ashton 2 , Sharon Goldsworthy 1 , Richard Marotti 2
  1. SA Pharmacy, Adelaide, SA, Australia
  2. SA Health, Adelaide, SA, Australia

Background: Cancer pharmacists are highly trained experts who play a critical role in cancer care. Modelling demonstrates increasing demand for cancer pharmacists, requiring strategies to maintain and increase the workforce. An independent review was commissioned into the sustainability of a statewide cancer pharmacy service model. The review identified workforce challenges and recommended a structured approach to develop a Cancer Pharmacy Workforce Plan.

Aim: To develop a 2024-2026 Statewide Cancer Pharmacy Workforce Plan to enhance capacity, capability, and sustainability.

Method: Strategic projects and activities were conducted to inform workforce planning. These included a comprehensive assessment of current and future cancer pharmacy capacity and requirements. Using robust methodology   contemporary cancer pharmacy workforce indicators were identified and established new pharmacist:patient ratios for best practice care. Alongside a national study investigating factors impacting attraction and retention of cancer pharmacists, surveys explored attraction and retention of the local workforce. These activities formed part of a larger program of work, providing a strong foundation for planning and strategy formation.

Results: The Cancer Pharmacy Workforce Plan integrates findings from these activities and recommendations from the independent review, alongside 2023 achievements. It outlines eight strategic priorities for the next three years. These include strategies for technicians and pharmacists to work to top of scope, use of new workforce ratios, standardising and monitoring service models, attraction and retention strategies, and a refreshed educational approach.

Conclusion: Implementing these priorities is crucial for addressing workforce challenges and ensuring the sustainability of cancer pharmacy services. Engaging pharmacy staff across the organisation and stakeholders in Local Health Networks, was key to the successful development of this workforce plan and in fostering collaboration and commitment to achieving these goals. Workforce planning is essential to meet cancer pharmacy demand, ensuring sustained service excellence and contribution to improved patient outcomes.