Oral Presentation Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

Voluntary Assisted Dying - Equity and access to VAD in regional/rural areas    (#75)

Jill L Mann 1
  1. Statewide Navigator Service, Barwon Health, Geelong, VIC, Australia

Equity and access to VAD in regional and rural areas

Access to health care for Victoria’s regional and rural population is inequitable in comparison with the metropolitan population. This includes access to specialist care and consulting specialist medical practitioners. This disparity occurs also with regard to accessing the Voluntary Assisted Dying Legislation.

A patient story will demonstrate the barriers and challenges that the person, their family, carers, health team and the navigator service face.

Exploration of the identified barriers with recommended actions to improve access for regional and rural people will be discussed.

An update on Victorian data, including trained medical practitioners in relation to those wanting to access VAD pathway.