Oral Presentation Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

Implementation of measures to improve First Nations cancer outcomes (#102)

Claire Howlett 1 , Jacinta Elston 1 , Caroline Nehill 1 , David Meredyth 1 , Dorothy Keefe 1
  1. Cancer Australia, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia

Cancer is now the leading cause of mortality for Aboriginal-and-Torres-Strait-Islander-peoples.  In 2023 Cancer Australia led development of the Australian Cancer Plan (the Plan) providing a 10-year reform agenda for the Australian cancer community. The Plan prioritises supporting Aboriginal-and-Torres-Strait-Islander-knowledge, strength and sovereignty in a health system that achieves equity for First Nations people affected by cancer.

The Plan has a specific strategic objective to achieve equity in cancer outcomes for First Nations people, with 15 of the Plan’s 46 actions developed by, and specific to First Nations people. The Plan acknowledges that First Nations health belongs in First Nations hands and gives priority to closing the gap in cancer outcomes by addressing institutional racism and discrimination across cancer services.

The Plan emphasises the need to co-design services, deliver place-based care, build the First Nations cancer workforce and partner with First Nations-people to deliver culturally safe and appropriate care across the cancer continuum.

Cancer Australia is progressing several initiatives to improve cancer outcomes for First Nations Australians.  These are being implemented in partnership with key First Nations organisations, health professionals, researchers, and consumers and include: 

  • A grant program to support innovative approaches to enhance culturally safe cancer care for First Nations people through partnerships between cancer services and Aboriginal community-controlled organisations.
  • Postgraduate scholarships to grow the cohort of First Nations people who lead and contribute to cancer control research, planning and service delivery.
  • Building the First Nations cancer care workforce through promotion of a career in cancer and partnering with colleges to better support trainees.
  • A research grants program to build capability and improve cancer outcomes for First Nations people.
  • A toolkit providing guidance to support health policy, program and service development with and for First Nations peoples, for use by all stakeholders progressing the actions of the Plan.