Oral Presentation Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

Legal evolution of VAD and its access (#76)

Cameron McLaren 1
  1. Voluntary Assisted Dying Australia and New Zealand (VADANZ), Berwick, VIC, Australia

Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) became a legal option for residents of Victoria in 2019. Successive legislation has passed in all Australia states, in the ACT, and in New Zealand. As an early adopter of VAD and the founder of Voluntary Assisted Dying Australia and New Zealand, Dr McLaren provided his experience in providing VAD across Australia and internationally to inform the evolution of legislation.

Dr McLaren will be discussing his experience in Victoria, and how the Victorian model has influenced VAD in other states. Dr McLaren will presenting data from VAD Review Boards in each jurisdiction, and from the recently-released State of VAD Report from Go Gentle Australia.