Individual Abstract within a Delegate Designed Symposium Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

Establishment of the ReViTALISE Consumer Group “Every VoiceCAN” (#140)

Kathleen Wilkins 1 , Damon Parker 1 , Donna Long 1 , Craig Underhill 2 3
  1. Regional Trials Network Victoria, Albury-Wodonga, Australia
  2. Border Medical Oncology, Border Medical Oncology Research Unit, Albury, NSW, Australia
  3. Latrobe Regional Hopsital, Traralgon, Vic, Australia

Aim: To develop a consumer-led network to support and empower consumers to actively contribute to the initiatives of the ReViTALISE (Regional Victorian Trials Alliance: Linkages, Innovation, Special Populations, Equity) Project.

Methods: The ReViTALISE program scoped out successful consumer-led advisory committees and asked for advice and guidance such as the Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre Alliance Consumer Involvement Manager, the Co-Operative Trial Group (ANZGOG) Consumer Chair. Key clinical stakeholders  were engaged to secure buy-in for a consumer network within the Regional Trials Network – Victoria (RTN-Vic), and members of the ReViTALISE network of Initiatives and independent research advisory committee. 

Results: ReViTALISE has successfully facilitated and supported establishment the Every VoiceCAN committee, with terms of reference, a program logic, and roadmap for engagement, consumer recruitment, and emplacing consumers in the steering committees of each ReViTALISE Initiative.  Other projects outside of ReViTALISE are now requesting Every VoiceCAN input into project design and development. 

Conclusion: Every VoiceCAN is a consumer run and led initiative that engages with ReViTALISE clinicians and administrators to bring about effective and mutually beneficial change in communication and understanding between health practitioners, cancer clinical trial participants, carers and families.