Heidi Merrington Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

Heidi Merrington

Dr Heidi Merrington is a Postdoctoral Public Health Research Fellow with experience conducting qualitative, participatory, ethnographic and mixed methods research in a range of health and community settings. Her research interests include refugee and multicultural communities’ health and wellbeing, end-of-life care, harm reduction approaches to enhancing the health of people who inject drugs, the impact of housing and homelessness on health, and developing models of health care that reflect the needs of marginalised groups. Heidi has undertaken research with diverse communities including people from multicultural backgrounds, people who inject drugs, autistic people and health service providers. She has also worked as an Occupational Therapist in hospital, community and school settings across public, private and non-government sectors. Currently, Heidi is working on an NHMRC-funded project, “Creating Health in a New Home: A transformative approach to building evidence for refugee health across generations”.

Abstracts this author is presenting: